Board Members Present: Brad Everhart, Les Tweed, Kraig Clark, Rick Pascal, Joan Tweed, Ann Stewart Akers.
Mo Gabr - Community Action Team Officer Reports:
there were car "break ins" at 1600 Marina Road (Marina Bay Apartments). Actually the cars were left unlocked, guns were stolen. The thieves took off, car chase ensued and the criminals crashed the car and ran.
There have not been a serious number of Amazon packages stolen from homes yet, but have someone pick it up for you or send to another address where someone would be home.
There are dumpster divers - they look for "treasures" in household trash which is not a criminal act, but they cannot hit recycle bins.
When you are home, take valuables out of your car if it is not in the garage.
Can we get some type of surveillance on Marina Road to stop speeders?
Bill Malinowski - County Councilman Reports:
If you get expensive items for Christmas, break down the boxes and put in recycle so thieves won't try to rob your home.
There will be new sewer increases - he is getting a lot if inquiries
The grants are available again and the process is supposed to be easier now. No matching funds and it is easier to apply. 803-576-2190 - every subdivision and homeowners association can apply.
Guise Road - they are developing under rural zoning 50 acres - 70-75 homes. Guise Road is a dirt road, can it be paved
Bill Malinowski reports that he has gotten the Route 76 expansion back to 5 lanes with the penny tax money. It was originally 5 lanes, then went down to 3 lanes, and now is back to 5 lanes again.
On Guise Road and Route 76, there is a small storage facility going to be built
Proposed Developments are continuing on Johnson Marina Road and the infrastructure cannot handle it.
We need to expand our Association, per an Association member. Try to get homeowners associations, etc. to join.
Brad Everhart - BCA President - informs the group that the Ballentine Civic Association has been a 501 (C)(4) since it was incorporated in 1979. The name of the BCA is changing to the
Ballentine Community Association and becoming a 501 (C)(3), so any donations made to the Association will be tax-deductible.
There is a moratorium on building in Lexington County, but they can still apply for rezoning.
There is still discussion about whether residents in Ballentine would be receptive to a recycling center in our community. The property would have to be light industrial, would it be manned?
Scott Hicks - Talked about the River Alliance Board which handles greenways and a walking area over near the Zoo.