Board Members: Brad Everhart, Les Tweed, Joan Tweed, Kraig Clark
This was again a lightly attended meeting. It was in the middle of the week due to RCRC schedules of holidays.
The road closing of Lowman Home barn Road is on hold at this point. It is still being monitored by local residents. Brad talked to Mr. Shepke recently and he has his hands full with the virus going on in the Lutheran Homes. Bruce Dyer would like to rezone a 1.16 acre piece of property on Gates Road in Ballentine from RU to LI to put in a 6 car private garage. The area around this is already zoned LI with local businesses. Only one home would be affected by this decision. He will talk to the neighbors first to get their opinion/approval.
As usual, please lock your doors on any cars left outside of a garage. Also, nuisance door knocks are happening in Friarsgate and other areas in the middle of the night. Do not open your door and call the police on the non emergency number.
Everyone would like an update on the penny tax money and projects. Mile Marker 85 to 110 on Rt. 26 will be under construction soon.
​February 1st, 6:30 PM Next Meeting at the Ballentine Community Center